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This is the page where you can request, if you are a leader of a clan, to have a clan match with us! In order to get in contact with us you are going to have to send an e-mail to us with the following information...

Clan Name:

Date of Match(Month,Day,Time of day):

Number of Players to use:

What map(no custom maps):

In that format..the e-mail address to send this to is..

[email protected]

thanks for your request and ROCK ON!

.: News Updates :.
4/5/03 : MATCH WON!

today we won a match against the [TRH] clan 3 to 0! Great job guys(sorry i couldnt be there)

4/6/03 : match lost :(

today we lost our first match against eP. The final score was 10-9..close but no cigar. We will get them next time boys!

.:Server Stats:.
Name: |AoP|War3 server
Up or Down: UP
Location: Penn, 1.6

For more info on the server..

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