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If you are looking to be apart of the ever-growing clan AoP, you must do everything in your power to make yourself noticeable in our server. Try your best, and if your score is around a 2:1 ratio, and we recognize your name as a name that continues to return without annoyance and agrivation from you, we might ask you if youd like to try out. OUR MEMBERS ARE ON AN INVITE BASIS ONLY! so PLEASE do not ask to be in AoP because we will ignore you.

Thank You,

Duffman & BreathingGanja

.: News Updates :.
4/5/03 : MATCH WON!

today we won a match against the [TRH] clan 3 to 0! Great job guys(sorry i couldnt be there)

4/6/03 : match lost :(

today we lost our first match against eP. The final score was 10-9..close but no cigar. We will get them next time boys!

.:Server Stats:.
Name: |AoP|War3 server
Up or Down: UP
Location: Penn, 1.6

For more info on the server..

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